Anno Domini 2016. - Summer Collection by M.F (Foto: Dejan Štifanić)
Anno Domini 2016. – Summer Collection by M.F (Foto: Dejan Štifanić)

The three-member expert jury consisting of Enes Kišević (actor, writer, poet) Bojana Ćustić Juraga (editor of Culture and Mosaic in the newspaper Glas Istre) and Radmila Djurica (journalist) decided to award the following performances in last night’s (5th of July) awards ceremony held in the Theatre Dr. Inat:

The Cloud award for stage-pondering that with its completeness and integrity remains the central and prestigious star in the ”PUF’s Theatre Sky ” goes to the performance Anno Domini 2016. – Summer Collection by M.F. (Croatian-French co-production) directed by Mehdi Farajpour, because of perfect balance and fullness with the use of theatre, dance, performance and a musical background.

Salt of the Earth (foto: Dejan Štifanić)
Salt of the Earth (foto: Dejan Štifanić)

The Wind award for research scopes that foresee change and bring freshness to the ”PUF’s Theatre Sky ” is going to the performance Salt of the Earth performed by interdisciplinary group PuppetCinema (Israel) because of a research and innovative approach to the usage of a puppet and real time video on the scene with the presentation of political power in relation to human suffering.

Diary of a Madman (foto: Dejan Štifanić)
Diary of a Madman (foto: Dejan Štifanić)

The Drop award that is awarded for individual or group achievements that under its productivity represent the sign of refreshment and a mark in the ”PUF’s Theatre Sky” is won by the Moving Music Theatre (Macedonia) for their mono-opera Diary of a Madman because of a brilliant comparison of an individual’s schizophrenia and the analysis of the societal position and identity of an individual through the classic work of Gogol’s short story.

Il Draaago (foto: Dejan Štifanić)
Il Draaago (foto: Dejan Štifanić)

The Bolt award for special contribution and extraordinary results in different components of theatre (music, scenography, costume design) is awarded to the Italian troupe Teatro dei Venti from Modena for the performance Il Draaago because of their contribution to spectacle in theatre.

The Ozone award for special contribution goes to the performance “EXTension (+)” performed by theatre group A.lter S.essio from France because of the research presentation of the great power of the human body in relation to the power of the human mind.

Honours to Mehdi Farajpour for the performance Ka-f-ka produced by the Oriantheatre Dance Company from Paris. Ka-f-ka from Mehdi Farajpour cannot fit into Cloud, Drop nor Wind, as this performance is simply everything – and is thus outside of the competition. With seeing this performance for the first time it becomes clear why the soul has the need to return to the body, which is this case more honest than words. This is – art.

Special honours to Branko Sušac: The jury has seen 10 performances selected by the artistic director of the festival Branko Sušac, who because of that gets both our thanks and our misery. In all honesty, the jury agreed that out of the ten performances of 22nd PUF all of them deserve awards, as they are each for themselves and at the same time altogether ”new blood in the theatre space and blood-flow of PUF”. It would be most just if from every performance we could take out a theme or scene and from it create a collage as the mirror of the festival. This PUF has revealed to us all the possibilities of our bodies and minds, all the possibilities we carry within ourselves, but that we cannot always recognise.
This year’s PUF mirrors all this and more and for the 22nd time in its history it opens the path towards creation and freedom. Because of all of that the jury awards special honours to Branko Sušac.

Robertine nagrade

The sculptures that symbolically present PUF’s awards were made by Pula’s artist Roberta Weissman Nagy and are awarded to the winners with the courtesy of City of Pula.



The student jury presented the award SPASKO for the most emotional performance. The award is named after Predrag Spasojević SPASKO (1959-2010), a renowned Istrian designer and a longtime Festival friend. His ”catlike” posters have marked the thirteen years of theatre (in)tolerance and followed many theatre treats of PUF’s theatre of life.

The student jury consisted of: Alessandra Benčić, a student of the Academy of Applied Arts in Rijeka, majoring in Painting; Ingrid Španić, student of interdisciplinary study Culture and Tourism, and Georgie Goldin, student of the Music Academy in Pula, majoring in Music Pedagogy and Solo Singing, and their decision was unanimous.

The award SPASKO was given to dancer Yum Keiko Takayama for the performance EXTension(+) directed by Fabrice Planquette, founder of the theatre group A.lter S.essio.



