Television is the image of reality. Should we have to worry about that? Are we the people that speak spanish and give birth to our sisters children?Are we one of a thousands of bigbrother characters that curse, fuck and die in front of everyones eyes. Television represents me. Television represents you. It’s merely a reflection of our own existence, a virtual reality more real than reality itself. Reality without virtuosity. Existence of living other peoples lives wishing it were mirrors. Living for that 15 minutes of fame. 2D picture of a 3D virtuality in which every lie is true, and every truth is hidden behind a mask. A mirror.Theater as a mirror. Mirror as a screen. Adaptation of theatricality. In an everlasting parallel spiral that never connects and never displays the existing characters. The spiral we will never touch. Even Charlie Chaplin is not what he seems to be. Seeking comfort behind the courtains of lies. Religion of TV as a mirror in which we do not recognize ourselves cause we don’t want to recognize ourselves. Eternal struggle to glory through death, sex and lies.
If there is a one mirror in which to look is humane, you would want to look for yourself. You are not there. You are trying to find yourself, searching for your place in the universe where mirror tells you- you are there and that’s you, and you suffer because Lavoisier mirrors, convex or concave to be, are disappointing you, ridiculing you: by moving again, you manage to find yourself. Then you move again and you get lost. Reflecting theater is set to take away every personality you have and make you feel insecure inside of your own place in the Universe.
Actors:TanjaBlašković, ZoricaGunjača, Manuela Krakar, ŠandorSlacki Jr.
Director: SandorSlacki
Assistant Director: SandorSlacki Jr.