Directed by: Ivana-Nataša Turković
Playing: Sabina Aličić, Dajana Šafradin, Ivana-Nataša Turković, Anita Banjavčić, Petra Nikolašević, Barbara Ćaleta, Snježana Kecman, Dunja Janko
Scenery: Ivana-Nataša Turković (idea)
Costumes: Karmen Paulinić, Ana-Marija Turković
Light designer: Aleksandar Švabić
Music: Vedran Svetek, Andrija Tomić
Special thanks to Josip Ivančić – Pino
Sometimes it is easier to keep an eye on changes in us by following our phantasy. The games. Leastwise performing games. We hardly find answers on our questions. Alice surely doesn’t get answers. Maybe the absence of the answers drags her to the new experiences, and that is applicable to stage work. A mystery stays the only possible solution. Surely positive one, because it leaves every door opened. A mystery of ourselves, a complicated relation between reality and imagination, between reality and the theater.