PUF 1995.-1999.
Total number of the plays: 6
Croatian plays: 4
Foreign plays: 1
Co-productions: 1
Number of the performers: 56
Sites: Quarry in Vinkuran, Istrian National Theatre, Ascent of Frane Glavinić
Countries participant: Croatia, Poland
The primal idea from which the festival emerged is clearly seen in the concept of the inaugural 1st International theatre festival. It gathered the best Croatian non-institutional theatre artists, who couldn’t see the point in participating in the national Festival of the Croatian Theatre Amateurs, which was held in Pula the previous year. At the same time the idea of an alternative theatre festival wanted to revitalize the theatrically dead Pula and Istria.
Total number of the plays: 12
Croatian plays: 6
Foreign plays: 6
Number of the performers: 80
Exhibition: comic books of the groups “Kolektiv” and “Grm” (7 authors)
Lecture: “The beginning of the change” held by Maja Kuzmanović and the colleagues from three Dutch universities (of fashion, design and graphics)
Sites: Small Roman Theatre, The House of the Croatian Defenders, Emergency shelter near the “Twin Gate,” Istrian National Theatre
Countries participant: Croatia, Japan, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Poland
The international character of the 2nd PUF has not just shown itself through the numerousness of the foreign plays (6), but also through a successful identification of the authentic soul mates in four Western, Eastern and Far-Eastern countries.
Total number of the plays: 12
Croatian plays: 8
Foreign plays: 4
Number of the performers: 72
Concerts: 2
Workshops: “Biomechanics – training system for the actors” Zvonimnir Peranić
Exhibition: Ivo Matija Bitanga “Portret of the Body” (Portret tijela”)
Sites: Portarata, Festival’s club “Ambrela”, Dante’s Square, Neptune’s Temple (Poreč)
Countries participant: Croatia, Poland, Russia, Slovenia, Macedonia
“What all the groups and their creations have in common this year (except Lero) is the strong reference that they find in our reality, in the echoes of war and agitation, in the fall of human values, in the spirit stagnation and the tyranny of the kitsch, which represses the artist and the single act.” (V. Kolarović, Nova Istra)
1. Theatre New Front, Russia: “Factory People”
2. Kugla, Denmark-Croatia: “Wartime Kitchen”
3. Daska, Sisak, “Pif, paf, poof”
4. Daska, Sisak, “Time sports and pastimes”
5. Daska, Sisak: “Customer magical fireflies”
6. PINKLEC Cakovec: “Where do you hide Nanaqui”
7. Rubicon Theatre, Rijeka: “InterNetWork”
8. The Company Zigas, Lome, Togo – Africa: “Starchy Word” (starchy word)
9. Dr. INAT, Pula: “The silence of cicades”
10. Ana Monro Theatre + CGP Rupert Marovt, Ljubljana, Slovenia: “A brief history of bars and Coats”
11. Mladinski Cultural Center, Skopje, Macedonia: “Bacchanalia”
12. Lero, Dubrovnik: “Tango”
13. Cinema Theatre, Poland: “Billiards”
Total number of the plays: 10
Croatian plays: 5
Foreign plays: 5
Number of the performers: 105
Seminars: Presentation of the work and the activity of Labin Art Express / Presentation of the work and the activity of the Autonomous culture fabric ATTACK from Zagreb / Lecture of Lara Ritoša from the London Ecole de Mime Corporal Dramatique: “Lecture, presentation, work” / Presentation of the work and the activity of the Multicultural Centre Metelkova from Ljubljana
Sites: Istrian National Theatre, Portarata
Countries participant: Croatia, Austria, Norway, Great Britain, Italy, Hungary
The main characteristics of the 4th International theatre festival could be summarised in four words: the festival of contrasts.
1. Dr. INAT, Pula: “And so it all started”
2. Theatre PINKLEC Čakovec “Cosmic jugglers”
3. Dance Theater, Ljubljana: “Exah”
4. The Shamans, Budapest, Hungary: “The Dissimulators”
5. Theatre: No Packaging, Theatre XXX, Le vie en rose, Crime, UBI, Le Cheval, naked and Cheerful, Theatre “…”, “They are coming”
6. Teatro Motus, Rimini, Italy: “Orlando furioso”
7. Theater company Not Your Bitch, Zagreb: “I love you more or less too, distorted wickedness as other world if iniquity be defined as the way other people think.”
8. Theatre Lero, Dubrovnik: “Sigh Maria Orsola”
9. Rubicon Theatre, Rijekar: “Aspeets Alice”
10. Pasage Nord Theatre, Oslo, Norway: “Collaborators”
11. Flux & Saira Blanche Theatre, Vienna, Austria: “Ch-Ch-Ch-Ch-Ch”
Total number of the plays: 9
Croatian plays: 4
Foreign plays: 5
Number of the performers: 40
Additional programme: Workshop “Butoh dance” Susanne Akerlund / The presentation of the festival from Prague 4 DNI / Presentation of Christianie, a town in Kopenhagen, freed from the laws of the European Union and its paragraphs
Sites: Istrian National Theatre, Ex – army barracks “Karlo Rojc”
Countries participant: Croatia, Austria, Slovenia, The Netherlands, Poland, Sweden
The 5th PUF was characterised by the rise of powerful critical words about the plays, stated by the young, faithful audience, who has been following the festival for years, as well as by the entrance of PUF in the international publications and calendars, and by Šandor Slack, who with the INAT’s play “The Masque of Red Death” written by E.A. Poe, celebrated 20 years of acting, dancing and pantomiming. However, the most important guideline of the 5th PUF refers to the transformation of the sphere of the theatre research: while the former four editions, generally speaking, searched the possibilities of communication in extra-theatrical places, this festival focused on the research of the possibilities of communication of the body.
1. Sonnenschein Produktion Theatre, Vienna, Austria: “Exec”
2. Theatre Lero, Dubrovnik: “The sign of calm”
3. Theatre Glej Theatre, Ljubljana, Slovenia: “Medium Coeli”
4. Theater Daska, Sisak: “Three left hours”
5. SU-EN Butoh Company, Almunge, Sweden: “Scarpa bodies”
6. Theatre Espace, Amsterdam, The Netherlands: “The Window”
7. Cinema Theatre, Michalowice, Poland: “Dong”
8. Theatre Dr. INAT, Pula, “The masque of red death”
9. Montažstroj, Amsterdam-Zagreb: “Fragile”